Welcome to Ross Valley Fire Department | Emergencies: Dial 9-1-1
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Ross Valley Fire News

10 March 2025
The Ross Valley Fire Department in partnership with the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District and the Towns of Fairfax, San Anselmo and Ross encourages all residents within Local Responsibility Areas (LRA) of Fairfax, Ross and San Anselmo to review ...

About Ross Valley Fire Department

Ross Valley Fire Department is a consolidated department with the mission of protecting lives, property and the environments of Ross, San Anselmo, Sleepy Hollow and Fairfax through education, prevention and community service while working together in a professional and caring manner that is fair, honest respectful and ethical.  Our Fire Department continues a tradition of fire protection in the Ross Valley dating back more than 100 years.  

Learn more...

Website Administration

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(ARCHIVED 3/22) Resale Inspection Process

Public submits application online

  1. Complete inspection in ERS
  2. Download PDF file from ERS (name as "2017-12-31_address_inspection_results.pdf")
  3. Enter completed report online (email will be sent to applicant with PDF attached and informing them of requiements and inspection status)

Public submits application in-person

  1. Enter payment information online (email will be sent to applicant informing of requirements and confirming payment)
  2. Complete inspection in ERS
  3. Download PDF file from ERS (name as "2017-12-31_address_inspection_results.pdf")
  4. Enter completed report online (email will be sent to applicant with PDF attached and informing them of requiements and inspection status)


ISO Public Protection Classification (PPC)

ISO Class 2

Ross Valley Fire Department recently achieved an improved Class 2 Insurance Services Office (ISO) Public Protection Classification (PPC) in 2016

What is an ISO Classification?

The Insurance Services Office (ISO) is an independent organization that collects and evaluates information from communities in the United States on their fire suppression capabilities. The data is analyzed using a Fire Suppression Rating Schedule and then given a Public Protection Classification (PPC) of 1-10. Class 1 represents an exemplary fire suppression program, where as a Class 10 indicates that the community’s fire suppression program does not meet ISO’s minimum criteria.  ISO evaluates four major areas: fire department effectiveness, emergency communications systems, water supply, and community risk reduction.

In 2001, the pre-consolidated Ross Valley Fire Department received a PPC of 3/9, while the Town of Ross Fire Department received a PPC of 4/9.  The first number represents properties within 5 road miles from a fire station and within a 1,000ft from a fire hydrant.  The second number represents properties that are also within 5 road miles from a fire station, but are more than a 1000ft from a fire hydrant.  In 2012, Ross Valley Fire Department's Board of Directors voted to consolidate fire services with the Town of Ross, incorporating the Ross Fire Department.  In October of 2015 the consolidated Ross Valley Fire Department was re-evaluated by ISO and given an overall Class 2 ISO classification.

What does this classification mean for the Ross Valley community?

In general, the cost of fire insurance in a community with an excellent (class 1 or 2) ISO classification is substantially lower than in a community with lower ISO classifications.  Ross Valley Fire Department's Class 2 ISO classification is a very respectable rating for fire-protection services provided to the community served.

The Ross Valley Fire Department is proud to have received a Class 2 ISO classification and strives to achieve a Class 1 ISO classification by improving in all areas and increasing staffing levels.

Joint Powers Agreement (JPA)

Ross Valley Fire Department is governed by a Joint Powers Agreement, with the following members: Town of San Anselmo; Town of Fairfax; Town of Ross; Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District.

JPA 2010


This Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement (the "Agreement"), is entered into and is effective as of July 1, 2010 (the "Effective Date") by and among the Town of Fairfax, a municipal corporation ("Fairfax"), the Town of San Anselmo, a municipal corporation ("San Anselmo") and the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District, an independent special district of the State of California ("Sleepy Hollow"), each a "Member," and collectively referred to as the "Members," to amend and restate the prior agreement that created the Ross Valley Fire Service (the "Authority").

JPA Amendment 2012


This First Amendment to Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement ("First Amendment") is entered into as of July 1, 2012 (the "First Amendment Effective Date"), and is made by and among the Town of Fairfax, a municipal corporation ("Fairfax"), the Town of San Anselmo, a municipal corporation ("San Anselmo"), the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District, an independent special district of the State of California ("Sleepy Hollow"), and the Town of Ross, a municipal corporation ("Ross"), each a "Member," and collectively referred to as the "Members."

JPA Amendment 2014


This Second Amendment to the Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement ("Second Amendment") is entered into as of February 13, 2014 (the "Second Amendment Effective Date"), and is made by and among the Town of Fairfax, a municipal corporation ("Fairfax"), the Town of San Anselmo, a municipal corporation ("San Anselmo"), the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District, an independent special district of the State of California ("Sleepy Hollow"), and the Town of Ross, a municipal corporation ("Ross"), each a "Member," and collectively referred to as the "Members."

JPA Third Amendment 2022


This Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Joint Powers Agreement ("Third Amendment") is entered into as of January 1, 2022 (the "Third Amendment Effective Date"), and is made by and among the Town of Fairfax, a municipal corporation ("Fairfax"), the Town of San Anselmo, a municipal corporation ("San Anselmo"), the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District, an independent special district of the State of California ("Sleepy Hollow"), and the Town of Ross, a municipal corporation ("Ross"), each a "Member," and collectively referred to as the "Members."

1982 JPA Agreement

pdf1982 JPA Agreement

Creek Level Monitoring


Fairfax Creek Level Graph

Gauge located behind Fairfax Town Hall.
Flood: Action: 6.7 ft.; Minor: 8.7 ft.; Moderate: 10.7 ft.


Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow Creek Level Graph

Gauge located at 150 Butterfield Rd. 
Flood: Action: 5.3 ft.; Minor: 7.8 ft.; Moderate: 8.8 ft.


San Anselmo

San Anselmo Creek Level Graph

Gauge located at 730 San Anselmo Ave. 
Flood: Action: 11.3 ft.; Minor: 13.3 ft.; Moderate: 16.3 ft.



Corte Madera Creek Level at Ross - Flood level is 16 ft (USGS gauge)

Gauge located behind Ross Town Hall.
Flood: Action: 17.3 ft.; Minor: 19.3 ft.; Moderate: 20.3 ft.

NEW! Interactive Ross Valley Creek Stage Map. Monitor all creek gauges and stages in real-time in one view. 
This data is provided as a community service, and should not be relied upon as a sole source of information regarding current conditions, flood hazard, or risk.  Creek level information is updated when changes are detected.
Creeks and flooded areas are extremely dangerous. Please review our Storm and Flood Preparedness information for safety tips and additional resources.

Ross Valley Fire Stations

Fire Station 18 - Ross
Fire Station 19 - San Anselmo
Fire Station 20 - Sleepy Hollow
Fire Station 21 - Fairfax

Our Mission

To protect the lives, property and environment of Ross, San Anselmo, Sleepy Hollow and Fairfax through education, prevention and community service in a professional and caring manner that is fair, honest, respectful and ethical.

Contact Us

Ross Valley Fire Department
777 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960 USA
Tel: (415) 258-4686

For Emergencies, Dial 9-1-1