Fire Prevention
Plan Submittals
NEW! Effective February 2025, Prevention Office Hours will be by appointment only. Please email to schedule an appointment.
Effective January 1, 2023, all permit applications and plan reviews must be submitted digitally. Paper plans/applications will not be accepted.
The following is intended to guide the applicant how to apply for a fire permit or plan review:
- Download and complete the Plan Submittal Application PDF Document.
- Submit plans and the completed application in PDF format to
- Include supporting documentation when applicable:
- Cut Sheets and Calculations
- Permit Applications (from Towns or County)
- Documentation of application Fees (from Towns or County)
- Include supporting documentation when applicable:
- Fire fees will be invoiced and sent to the applicant through SQUARE. Fees will be due at time of invoice.
- The minimum permit fee is listed in our current Fee Schedule. These fees are the minimum charge for a typical application. Additional charges may apply for large projects and re-inspections, or failures to comply, which result in additional inspections
- Once the review is completed and fees collected, plans with conditions will be returned to the applicant via email.
- Approved plans and conditions of approval shall be readily available on-site for all inspections.
The Fire Prevention Bureau of Ross Valley Fire Department exists to assist residents, builders, real estate professionals, and business owners prevent the loss of life and property from fires. At the heart of any code enforcement program is an adopted fire code and related standards. The Fire Prevention Bureau derives its authority from the adopted fire code and standards that establish minimum requirements for life safety in new and existing buildings and businesses.
Navigating the complex regulations related to planning, building, business and property ownership can be difficult. Our fire prevention personnel are here to help! If you have questions about fire codes, defensible space around your home, selling or buying property, or any other fire or life safety concern about a business, property, or building, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Over the years, the public has developed an expectation that the Fire Department should identify and abate fire hazards in the community. Because of this, and a large body of evidence that demonstrates its effectiveness, Fire Prevention efforts play an increasingly important part in any fire department's activities.
We appreciate the input from our citizens of their concerns about possible fire hazards in their neighborhood.
Please contact the Fire Prevention Bureau if you notice a possible fire hazard. We will contact you after an inspection is completed if it is requested.