Welcome to Ross Valley Fire Department | Emergencies: Dial 9-1-1

Ross Valley Fire News

News from Ross Valley Fire Department, serving Fairfax, San Anselmo, Ross, and Sleepy Hollow in Marin county, CA.

Proposed Fire Hazard Severity Zones in the Local Responsibility Areas in the Town of Fairfax, San Anselmo and Ross

The Ross Valley Fire Department in partnership with the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District and the Towns of Fairfax, San Anselmo and Ross encourages all residents within Local Responsibility Areas (LRA) of Fairfax, Ross and San Anselmo to review and submit public comment on the proposed Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps. The maps can be viewed in person at all local planning departments and/or viewed online at https://rossvalleyfire.org/prevention/maps Questions about the LRA maps can be directed to:  Ross Valley Fire Department: 777 San Anselmo Ave, San Anselmo. Email comments applicable within Ross Valley Fire jurisdictional boundaries to: prevention@rossvalleyfire.org or call Robert Bastianon,...

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Our Mission

To protect the lives, property and environment of Ross, San Anselmo, Sleepy Hollow and Fairfax through education, prevention and community service in a professional and caring manner that is fair, honest, respectful and ethical.

Contact Us

Ross Valley Fire Department
777 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960 USA
Tel: (415) 258-4686

For Emergencies, Dial 9-1-1