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Ross Valley Fire News

News from Ross Valley Fire Department, serving Fairfax, San Anselmo, Ross, and Sleepy Hollow in Marin county, CA.

Sleepy Hollow Chipper Day: August 24, 2014

Sleepy Hollow Chipper Day: August 24, 2014

Sunday, August 24, 2014, Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District and FIRESafe MARIN will sponsor a “Chipper Day” for all residents of Sleepy Hollow.  To participate, you must sign up through our SHFPD's new website at www.shfpd.org/chipper-request.  Chipper crews will visit your property and dispose of cut vegetation at no cost.


1. Create Defensible Space (it's the law!)

Please review the  booklet, “Living With Fire in Sleepy Hollow.”  All Sleepy Hollow residents should have received a printed copy by mail in early August, 2014, and a PDF version is available for download here...  This new booklet contains valuable information regarding wildfire risk, defensible space, and firescaping in Sleepy Hollow.   Additional information on creating Defensible Space is available at www.firesafemarin.org. The law requires that all property owners remove the flammable vegetation on your property to create a defensible space of at least 100 feet (PRC 4291). 

2.  Stack Material No Later than August 23

  1. Stack materials curbside, with cut ends facing the road to allow crews to work    more efficiently.
  2. No material should be greater than 3” in diameter.
  3. Material should be freshly cut. "Green" chips are better than old, dry vegetation and cause less wear to the equipment.
  4. All vegetative material should be free of rocks, dirt and other foreign material that could damage the equipment. No lumber, fencing, or other materials may be chipped.
  5. Property owners may be asked to sign a record of the location and hours that were spent cutting the materials to be chipped. This helps us track "volunteer" time for our grant, and makes it more likely that we'll be able to offer this service in the future.

3. Chipper Day Pickup: August 24

On Sunday, August 24 our “Youth2Work” team will come by your property, pick up your neatly stacked materials, run them through a wood chipper, and then the chips will be taken to Marin Resource Recovery Center for composting.  There is no charge for this service for Sleepy Hollow residents.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to Todd Lando and FIRESafe MARIN for providing a grant to help offset expenses, Supervisor Katie Rice for her support and assistance in planning the project, John Hanley's Youth2Work for providing the labor, Small World Tree Service for the truck and chipper, and The Sleepy Hollow Homes Association for spreading the word and supporting the project.


Please contact SHFPD Director Rich Shortall at 415 457-5271 or visit www.shfpd.org.  Be sure to check out Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District's new website, with lots of information about the Fire District and the various services and projects they support.

Defensible Space Inspections: Barber & Winship Nei...

Our Mission

To protect the lives, property and environment of Ross, San Anselmo, Sleepy Hollow and Fairfax through education, prevention and community service in a professional and caring manner that is fair, honest, respectful and ethical.

Contact Us

Ross Valley Fire Department
777 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960 USA
Tel: (415) 258-4686

For Emergencies, Dial 9-1-1