Welcome to Ross Valley Fire Department | Emergencies: Dial 9-1-1

Ross Valley Fire News

News from Ross Valley Fire Department, serving Fairfax, San Anselmo, Ross, and Sleepy Hollow in Marin county, CA.

Ross Valley Fire Explorers Attend Academy

Ross Valley Fire Department personnel and Explorer Crishten Leon, attended the 2106 Explorer Academy in Oxnard California.  Professional Firefighters from all over California, as well as firefighters from Las Vegas, provided hands on and class room training.  These activities include: Auto Extrication, Wildland Firefighting, Flammable Liquids Firefighting, Structure Firefighting, as well as Technical Rescue. 





Proposed Fire Hazard Severity Zones in the Local R...

Our Mission

To protect the lives, property and environment of Ross, San Anselmo, Sleepy Hollow and Fairfax through education, prevention and community service in a professional and caring manner that is fair, honest, respectful and ethical.

Contact Us

Ross Valley Fire Department
777 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960 USA
Tel: (415) 258-4686

For Emergencies, Dial 9-1-1