By RVFD Webmaster on Tuesday, 10 July 2018
Category: Latest News

Sleepy Hollow: Free Curbside Pick-Up Chipper Day. Last Chance for 2018!

Sleepy Hollow's June chipper days were our most successful ever.  Sleepy Hollow residents committed 1100 hours to help remove more than 2000 cubic yards of vegetation, reducing the fuels avaialble for wildfires and helping make ours a Firewise USA community!
We're coming around again this Saturday and Sunday to pick up hazardous vegetation at your curbside - THIS WEEKEND - July 14-15.  Online registration required!
All Sleepy Hollow residents are required by law to maintain Defensible Space at all times to reduce the risk of wildfire.  To help you dispose of hazardous vegetation, SHFPD holds multiple chipper days each year.  This year, in June and July, we're coming door-to-door to pick up LARGE PILES at your home (for small quantities, please continue to use your green cans).
July 14-15, 2018
Curbside Pick-Up
Time: 8AM-4PM
Location: At the curbside in front of your home.