By RVFD Webmaster on Thursday, 01 November 2012
Category: Latest News

Disaster Preparedness 2012

As we watch the news and see the devastation from the Super Storm Sandy on the East Coast, it is a good time to check our own supplies, disaster plans, and check in with our family members to be sure everyone is prepared for disaster.  Our area has had its share of disasters, from floods to wind storms and power outages, to major earthquakes and wildland fires. Disasters can be large or small – a power outage lasting for days or a rain storm where you are sheltering at home until it passes.

If you and your neighbors would like to have a presentation and review your preparations, please go to the Services tab on our website and click on Disaster Preparedness.  We would be happy to set up a time to meet with you.

With this weekend being the time to “Fall Back” it is a good time to check your current supplies, change out items that need to be restocked, check your batteries, check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and change those batteries!

Please visit the websites linked here for information on how to prepare you and your family.