Welcome to Ross Valley Fire Department | Emergencies: Dial 9-1-1
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Ross Valley Fire News

10 March 2025
The Ross Valley Fire Department in partnership with the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District and the Towns of Fairfax, San Anselmo and Ross encourages all residents within Local Responsibility Areas (LRA) of Fairfax, Ross and San Anselmo to review ...



  • 48 hour advanced notice is required for scheduling inspections. To schedule an inspection email: prevention@rossvalleyfire.org
  • Private Fire Mains require two inspections: an underground hydro and flush. Both inspection fees are included in the initial private fire main submission fee.
  • Rescheduling, re-inspections or failures to comply will result in an additional inspection fee of $110 per visit.




  • Expected turnaround time is 10 business days, there is no over-the-counter review.
  • Applicant will be notified by phone when plan review comments are ready. Completed plans can be picked-up at RVFD Administrative Office.




FireMainBlackAdaquate fire flow is essential to the protection of life and property.

Projects that include new buildings or additions to existing building are evaluated for fire flow, to determine if they meet code requirements. If fire flow is deemed inadaquate, the installation of a private fire service main may be necessary.

A private fire service main is "the pipe and its appurtenances on private property (1) between a source of water and the base of the system riser for water-based fire protection systems, (2) between a source of water and inlets to foam-making systems, (3) between a soruce of water and the base elbow of private hydrants or monitor nozzles, and (4) used as fire pump suction and discharge piping, (5) beginning at the inlet side of the check valve on a gravity or pressure tank"(NFPA 24).

Below is the link to NFPA Standard 24 and the requirements for private fire service mains:

NFPA 24 Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances



Submit to RVFD Administrative Office, 777 San Anselmo Avenue, San Anselmo, Monday-Thursday, 8:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-5:00pm:

  • Completed RVFD Plan Submittal Form
  • Two sets of plans (wet-stamped and signed), two sets of cut sheets and calculations
  • The minimum plan review fee is established in the current Fee Schedule (fees include a plan submission, plan review, hydro and flush).  Please see the current Fee Schedule for details.
  • These fees are the minimum charge for a typical application.  Additional charges may apply for large projects and re-inspections, or failures to comply, which result in additional inspections.

Fees are due at the time of plan submittal and the accepted methods of payment include:





Creek Level Monitoring


Fairfax Creek Level Graph

Gauge located behind Fairfax Town Hall.
Flood: Action: 6.7 ft.; Minor: 8.7 ft.; Moderate: 10.7 ft.


Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow Creek Level Graph

Gauge located at 150 Butterfield Rd. 
Flood: Action: 5.3 ft.; Minor: 7.8 ft.; Moderate: 8.8 ft.


San Anselmo

San Anselmo Creek Level Graph

Gauge located at 730 San Anselmo Ave. 
Flood: Action: 11.3 ft.; Minor: 13.3 ft.; Moderate: 16.3 ft.



Corte Madera Creek Level at Ross - Flood level is 16 ft (USGS gauge)

Gauge located behind Ross Town Hall.
Flood: Action: 17.3 ft.; Minor: 19.3 ft.; Moderate: 20.3 ft.

NEW! Interactive Ross Valley Creek Stage Map. Monitor all creek gauges and stages in real-time in one view. 
This data is provided as a community service, and should not be relied upon as a sole source of information regarding current conditions, flood hazard, or risk.  Creek level information is updated when changes are detected.
Creeks and flooded areas are extremely dangerous. Please review our Storm and Flood Preparedness information for safety tips and additional resources.

Ross Valley Fire Stations

Fire Station 18 - Ross
Fire Station 19 - San Anselmo
Fire Station 20 - Sleepy Hollow
Fire Station 21 - Fairfax

Our Mission

To protect the lives, property and environment of Ross, San Anselmo, Sleepy Hollow and Fairfax through education, prevention and community service in a professional and caring manner that is fair, honest, respectful and ethical.

Contact Us

Ross Valley Fire Department
777 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960 USA
Tel: (415) 258-4686

For Emergencies, Dial 9-1-1