Welcome to Ross Valley Fire Department | Emergencies: Dial 9-1-1
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Ross Valley Fire News

10 March 2025
The Ross Valley Fire Department in partnership with the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District and the Towns of Fairfax, San Anselmo and Ross encourages all residents within Local Responsibility Areas (LRA) of Fairfax, Ross and San Anselmo to review ...

Winter Storm Preparedness

Weather Data

Creek Level Information

Winter Storm Preparedness

FEMA Preparedness Tips (Ready.Gov)

Sand Bag Locations

During winter storm events only.  Locations may change.

  • San Anselmo:  Sunny Hills Drive, in the parking lot adjacent to the tennis courts (sand and bags).  This location is directly across Sunny Hills Drive from Swirl, the yogurt shop in the Red Hill Shopping Center.
  • Ross:  Entrance to Natalie Coffin Green Park at the end of Lagunitas Rd (sand and bags). Note that the Town of Ross Corporation Yard no longer has sand and sand bags.
  • Fairfax:  Baseball field parking lot on Elsie St between Pavilion and the Ball Field (sand only)
  • Kentfield: College of Marin parking lot #15 located off Kent Avenue at Hillside Avenue, across from the Science Building.

Please bring your own shovel!

Flood Preparedness

Know Your Flood Hazard:

Protect People and Property:

Build Responsibly:

Learn More About Flood Control:

Please do not leave piles of leaves in the roadway. Please rake them up and place them in your green bin for disposal. Leaves left in the street will block storm drains and may lead to flooding.

More information on high tides and flooding can be found here.

Power Outages

  • Have flashlights and battery-operated radios with fresh batteries ready for updates on storm conditions and power outages. Tune in to KQED 88.5 FM, KCBS 740 AM or KGO 810 AM.
  • Fire Officials recommend that residents do not use candles because of the risk of fire. Use battery-powered light sources.
  • Anticipate power outages and bookmark PG&E’s power outage page.
  • PG&E 1.800.743.5002 

Downed Trees and Limbs

  • If the tree is on private property or has fallen onto private property contact the property owner.
  • If the tree is touching electrical wires contact PG&E at 800-743-500 or non-emergency dispatch at 415-442-4526.
  • If the tree or limb is causing an immediate danger, call 911 from any land or mobile phone.
  • If the tree or limb is blocking a public right of way or roadway, contact your local Department of Public Works (Fairfax, Ross, San Anselmo, Marin County).

Drive with Caution

  • When driving in the rain, use extra caution and always have your headlights on. Remember, if you turn on your windshield wipers, turn on your headlights.
  • Please obey the speed limits and follow other traffic at a safe distance.
  • Do not drive through standing water. Only 6 inches of water can be enough to stall your car and cause irreparable damage to the engine.
  • Please anticipate road closures and traffic back-ups due to flooding, downed trees or landslides. Check traffic conditions before you hit the road.


If you live in a landslide prone area consider hiring a geologist that specializes in slide risk assessment to complete a ground study of your property. Learn to recognize potential landslide warning signs:

  • Changes occur in your landscape such as patterns of storm-water drainage on slopes
  • Water breaks through the ground surface in new locations
  • Bulging ground appears at the base of a slope
  • New cracks appear in plaster, tile, brick, or foundations
  • Fences, retaining walls, utility poles and trees tilt or move
  • Collapsed pavement, mud or fallen rock along roadways

How can you minimize your landslide risks?

  • Regularly inspect your property for land movement, retaining wall failures and blocked drainage routes
  • Meet with your neighbors to discuss and repair mutual drainage problems 
  • Prepare an escape route in case you need to evacuate your home because of a slide above or below you

If you discover any earth movement or landslide, immediately leave the area and notify neighbors and emergency services by dialing 911.

Create/Check Your Emergency Kit

A disaster supplies kit is simply a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency. Visit ready.gov for resources on building an emergency kit.


How quickly your company can get back to business after an emergency often depends on planning done today.  Ross Valley Fire Department encourages all business owners to start planning now to improve the likelihood that your company will survive and recover.

  • Develop a continuity of operations plan. Carefully assess how your company functions to determine which staff materials, procedures and equipment are necessary to keep the business operating.
  • Review emergency communications with staff. Set up a telephone calling tree or email alert to communicate with employees, designate an out-of-town phone number for employees to call, give employees wallet-cards with important phone numbers.
  • Review how to decide to stay or go. Have an Evacuation Plan and a Shelter-In-Place Plan.

Stay Informed

In an emergency, communication is crucial to the safety of all residents and businesses. Please bookmark or sign up for the communications methods listed below:

When to call 911

  • In an emergency, call 911 immediately from any wired or wireless phone. An emergency is any situation that requires immediate assistance from the police, fire department or ambulance such as a fire, a car crash (especially if someone is injured), or a medical emergency where a person is requiring immediate medical attention.
  • If you hear the Town's Emergency Siren, do not call 911.  Instead, look for immediate danger, move to high ground if you are in a flood zone, and tune in to KQED 88.5 FM, KCBS 740 AM or KGO 810 AM and local TV stations for further information.

Watch/Warning Terminology

  • Flood Watch: Issued whenever flooding is considered a possibility (but is not certain or imminent)
  • Flood Warning: Issued to warn the public that flooding is occurring or is imminent.
  • Flash Flood Watch: Indicates that flash flooding is a possibility in or close to watch area.
  • Flash Flood Warning: Signifies a dangerous situation where rapid flooding of small streams or urban areas is imminent or is occurring.
  • Urban and/or Small Stream Flood Advisory: Alerts the public to flooding which is generally only an inconvenience (not life threatening) to those living in affected areas.

Creek Level Monitoring


Fairfax Creek Level Graph

Gauge located behind Fairfax Town Hall.
Flood: Action: 6.7 ft.; Minor: 8.7 ft.; Moderate: 10.7 ft.


Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow Creek Level Graph

Gauge located at 150 Butterfield Rd. 
Flood: Action: 5.3 ft.; Minor: 7.8 ft.; Moderate: 8.8 ft.


San Anselmo

San Anselmo Creek Level Graph

Gauge located at 730 San Anselmo Ave. 
Flood: Action: 11.3 ft.; Minor: 13.3 ft.; Moderate: 16.3 ft.



Corte Madera Creek Level at Ross - Flood level is 16 ft (USGS gauge)

Gauge located behind Ross Town Hall.
Flood: Action: 17.3 ft.; Minor: 19.3 ft.; Moderate: 20.3 ft.

NEW! Interactive Ross Valley Creek Stage Map. Monitor all creek gauges and stages in real-time in one view. 
This data is provided as a community service, and should not be relied upon as a sole source of information regarding current conditions, flood hazard, or risk.  Creek level information is updated when changes are detected.
Creeks and flooded areas are extremely dangerous. Please review our Storm and Flood Preparedness information for safety tips and additional resources.

Ross Valley Fire Stations

Fire Station 18 - Ross
Fire Station 19 - San Anselmo
Fire Station 20 - Sleepy Hollow
Fire Station 21 - Fairfax

Our Mission

To protect the lives, property and environment of Ross, San Anselmo, Sleepy Hollow and Fairfax through education, prevention and community service in a professional and caring manner that is fair, honest, respectful and ethical.

Contact Us

Ross Valley Fire Department
777 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960 USA
Tel: (415) 258-4686

For Emergencies, Dial 9-1-1