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Ross Valley Fire News

10 March 2025
The Ross Valley Fire Department in partnership with the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District and the Towns of Fairfax, San Anselmo and Ross encourages all residents within Local Responsibility Areas (LRA) of Fairfax, Ross and San Anselmo to review ...

RVFD Permit Guide

Although the codes and standards for the different planning jurisdictions within Ross Valley Fire Department's area are similar, the planning and permit process varies greatly. Please review the submission guidelines below carefully to avoid project delays.


Plan Submittals

NEW! Effective January 1, 2023, all permit applications and  plan reviews must be submitted digitally. Paper plans/applications will not be accepted.

The following is intended to guide the applicant how to apply for a fire permit or plan review:

  1. Download and complete the Plan Submittal Application PDF Document.
  2. Submit plans and the completed application in PDF format to planreview@rossvalleyfire.org
    • Include supporting documentation when applicable:
      • Cut Sheets and Calculations
      • Permit Applications (from Towns or County)
      • Documentation of application Fees (from Towns or County)
  3. Fire fees will be invoiced and sent to the applicant through SQUARE. Fees will be due at time of invoice.
    • The minimum permit fee is listed in our current Fee Schedule.  These fees are the minimum charge for a typical application.  Additional charges may apply for large projects and re-inspections, or failures to comply, which result in additional inspections
  4. Once the review is completed and fees collected, plans with conditions will be returned to the applicant via email. 
  5. Approved plans and conditions of approval shall be readily available on-site for all inspections. 

** DISCLAIMER: Please disregard the information below. We are working on updating our website. The most accurate instructions on submitting a permit or plan review is above.

Fire Prevention Footer

Plan Submittals

NEW! Effective January 1, 2023, all permit applications and  plan reviews must be submitted digitally. Paper plans/applications will not be accepted.

The following is intended to guide the applicant how to apply for a fire permit or plan review:

  1. Download and complete the Plan Submittal Application PDF Document.
  2. Submit plans and the completed application in PDF format to planreview@rossvalleyfire.org
    • Include supporting documentation when applicable:
      • Cut Sheets and Calculations
      • Permit Applications (from Towns or County)
      • Documentation of application Fees (from Towns or County)
  3. Fire fees will be invoiced and sent to the applicant through SQUARE. Fees will be due at time of invoice.
    • The minimum permit fee is listed in our current Fee Schedule.  These fees are the minimum charge for a typical application.  Additional charges may apply for large projects and re-inspections, or failures to comply, which result in additional inspections
  4. Once the review is completed and fees collected, plans with conditions will be returned to the applicant via email. 
  5. Approved plans and conditions of approval shall be readily available on-site for all inspections. 

** DISCLAIMER: Please disregard the information below. We are working on updating our website. The most accurate instructions on submitting a permit or plan review is above.

Construction Phase

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed nibh id nulla auctor viverra. Proin accumsan purus sed diam sollicitudin et vulputate nibh pellentesque. Fusce ut lectus a ante tincidunt aliquet. Nam posuere interdum nunc ac tincidunt. Etiam consectetur orci congue purus vehicula posuere sed id tortor. Phasellus tortor metus, iaculis ut pellentesque eget, convallis ut tellus. Etiam urna elit, sollicitudin et iaculis ac, faucibus at neque. Mauris condimentum, augue in mattis varius, orci tellus facilisis elit, vitae vestibulum dui metus ac urna. Aliquam quis augue erat, dignissim pharetra leo. Pellentesque ut lorem elit, ut pulvinar massa. Praesent sed dolor erat. Fusce ullamcorper tincidunt pharetra. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam consectetur, mauris et congue volutpat, ante sem scelerisque massa, a gravida eros leo quis enim. 

Page Contents:

  • content 1
  • content 2
  • content 3

Frequently Asked Questions

Subhead #2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed nibh id nulla auctor viverra. Proin accumsan purus sed diam sollicitudin et vulputate nibh pellentesque

Column 1 Header
Submission Location:

Ross Valley Fire Department
777 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960

Cost for Review:

Insert cost

Fee description.

The current fully burdened hourly rate is $110.00 per hour.

Turnaround Time:

10-14 Business Days Upon Complete Plan Submission

Submission Requirements:

Insert requirements here.


Column 2 Header
Submission Location:

Ross Valley Fire Department
777 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960

Cost for Review:

Insert cost

Fee description.

The current fully burdened hourly rate is $110.00 per hour.

Turnaround Time:

10-14 Business Days Upon Complete Plan Submission

Submission Requirements:

Insert requirements here.


Fire Standard (Title and Number)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed nibh id nulla auctor viverra. Proin accumsan purus sed diam sollicitudin et vulputate nibh pellentesque. Fusce ut lectus a ante tincidunt aliquet. Nam posuere interdum nunc ac tincidunt. Etiam consectetur orci congue purus vehicula posuere sed id tortor. Phasellus tortor metus, iaculis ut pellentesque eget, convallis ut tellus. Etiam urna elit, sollicitudin et iaculis ac, faucibus at neque. Mauris condimentum, augue in mattis varius, orci tellus facilisis elit, vitae vestibulum dui metus ac urna. Aliquam quis augue erat, dignissim pharetra leo. Pellentesque ut lorem elit, ut pulvinar massa. Praesent sed dolor erat. Fusce ullamcorper tincidunt pharetra. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam consectetur, mauris et congue volutpat, ante sem scelerisque massa, a gravida eros leo quis enim.

Suspendisse lorem felis, elementum ut commodo a, convallis vitae tellus. Vestibulum aliquet sapien eget nisi posuere vitae tempus felis blandit. Nulla imperdiet convallis posuere. Pellentesque lectus erat, cursus at varius eget, condimentum ac est. Vivamus ornare auctor ante, ac blandit lorem bibendum quis. Aenean ac dolor nisi. Aenean luctus nunc ut purus accumsan quis tempor nisl porttitor. Nam nibh diam, vestibulum rutrum dignissim vitae, fermentum vel sem. Mauris leo mauris, consequat in tristique sit amet, pretium eu arcu.

Mauris vel quam id sem malesuada malesuada vitae eu leo. Quisque massa quam, viverra vel ullamcorper id, lacinia sed dui. Sed condimentum dignissim magna, ut tempus enim ornare sit amet. Aenean condimentum purus malesuada nisi malesuada rhoncus. Nullam eget sapien erat, non placerat risus. Ut posuere sodales lectus, ultrices cursus dolor lacinia eget. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam vel erat quis magna venenatis rhoncus. Morbi blandit dolor in mi luctus pulvinar.

Vestibulum sit amet ante lorem, vitae pretium sapien. Aenean tempus, turpis quis dapibus consequat, sem ipsum volutpat turpis, vitae molestie sem dui blandit libero. Morbi lobortis tincidunt tempus. Donec tincidunt mattis magna, at pulvinar nisl vulputate vitae. Pellentesque ut justo nibh, et gravida lacus. Morbi vel dolor at lacus tempor porttitor. Quisque venenatis eros sed arcu fringilla sed sodales tellus tincidunt. Vivamus ac ipsum nunc, vitae vestibulum est. In tincidunt elementum metus, eu tincidunt leo gravida sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu leo vel quam ultrices tempus. Aenean sodales est eget justo interdum at vulputate velit facilisis.

Etiam porta nisl nec ante sagittis aliquam. Mauris non justo turpis. Sed consequat aliquam est, in laoreet ligula luctus at. Phasellus consectetur gravida arcu a interdum. Ut quis magna dolor, eget varius turpis. Phasellus a orci et dui porta consectetur. Nam ornare nibh ac velit gravida venenatis. Nunc porta placerat nisl, in tincidunt mauris tempor sed.

Planning Phase

Many projects require planning department review prior to the building permit application process. In these cases the Town Planning Departments (Ross, San Anselmo and Fairfax) will request Ross Valley Fire Department to review the projects.

The Town will route planning applications to the Ross Valley Fire Department for a courtesy  review. The purpose of the fire department review is to advise the applicant, as early as possible, should plans conflict with fire code regulations. An example would be if a fire apparatus accees road is required, the location or design of the structure may need to be altered.

All design plans and correspondences are routed through the Town Planning Department. A complete review is completed during the Building Construction submittal phase.

Visit our Process Guide: Planning Review to learn how to navigate the planning phase of your project...

Creek Level Monitoring


Fairfax Creek Level Graph

Gauge located behind Fairfax Town Hall.
Flood: Action: 6.7 ft.; Minor: 8.7 ft.; Moderate: 10.7 ft.


Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow Creek Level Graph

Gauge located at 150 Butterfield Rd. 
Flood: Action: 5.3 ft.; Minor: 7.8 ft.; Moderate: 8.8 ft.


San Anselmo

San Anselmo Creek Level Graph

Gauge located at 730 San Anselmo Ave. 
Flood: Action: 11.3 ft.; Minor: 13.3 ft.; Moderate: 16.3 ft.



Corte Madera Creek Level at Ross - Flood level is 16 ft (USGS gauge)

Gauge located behind Ross Town Hall.
Flood: Action: 17.3 ft.; Minor: 19.3 ft.; Moderate: 20.3 ft.

NEW! Interactive Ross Valley Creek Stage Map. Monitor all creek gauges and stages in real-time in one view. 
This data is provided as a community service, and should not be relied upon as a sole source of information regarding current conditions, flood hazard, or risk.  Creek level information is updated when changes are detected.
Creeks and flooded areas are extremely dangerous. Please review our Storm and Flood Preparedness information for safety tips and additional resources.

Ross Valley Fire Stations

Fire Station 18 - Ross
Fire Station 19 - San Anselmo
Fire Station 20 - Sleepy Hollow
Fire Station 21 - Fairfax

Our Mission

To protect the lives, property and environment of Ross, San Anselmo, Sleepy Hollow and Fairfax through education, prevention and community service in a professional and caring manner that is fair, honest, respectful and ethical.

Contact Us

Ross Valley Fire Department
777 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960 USA
Tel: (415) 258-4686

For Emergencies, Dial 9-1-1