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Ross Valley Fire News

10 March 2025
The Ross Valley Fire Department in partnership with the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District and the Towns of Fairfax, San Anselmo and Ross encourages all residents within Local Responsibility Areas (LRA) of Fairfax, Ross and San Anselmo to review ...

RVFD Board of Directors

Ross  |  San Anselmo  |  Sleepy Hollow FPD  |  Fairfax

Representing the Town of Ross

Elizabeth Brekhus | 

Director Brekhus was elected to 4-year terms on the Ross Town Council in 2012, 2016, 2020. She served as Ross Town Mayor in 2014-15 and 2019-20.   She has served on the Ross Valley Fire Board since 2016, and President of the Board in 2018-19. Director Brekhus’ law practice, Brekhus Law Partners, specializes in real property litigation and municipal law. She has represented individuals and businesses in Marin County since 1997. She served on the Board of Directors of the Marin County Bar Association for over a decade, and was elected President in 2014-15.  Director Brekhus obtained her B.A at Kenyon College in 1993. She graduated from the University of San Francisco, School of Law in 1997.  She resides in Ross with her three children.

Director Brekhus can be reached at:

Email: elizabethb@brekhus.com

Beach Kuhl 

Director Kuhl has lived in Ross since 1974. He is largely retired from his practices as a trial lawyer. After a term on the Marin County Grand Jury, he was elected to the Ross Town Council in 2012 . Director Kuhl  currently also serves as a commissioner of the Transportation Authority of Marin. He joined the board of directors of the Ross Valley Fire Department in 2015. 

Director Kuhl can be reached at:

Phone: 415-627-1411

Email: beachkuhl35@gmail.com

Representing the Town of San Anselmo 

Ford Greene |  

Director Greene grew up in next-door Ross as a fourth generation Ross Valley native (where Natalie Coffin Greene Park at Phoenix Lake is named for his grandmother). Ford attended local public schools. A sole practitioner, for over 30 years Greene has litigated redress for wrongful treatment of individual constitutional liberties. This includes criminal defense to civil tort litigation against global religious corporate entities. The National Lawyers for Public Justice gave Greene national recognition when it awarded him its running Trial Lawyer of the Year award for his successful work against the Church of Scientology. 

Director Greene can be reached at: 

Email: fordgreene@comcast.net   

Steve Burdo |  

sburdo@townofsananselmo.org |                                                                                                                                                                                          

 Bio coming soon!        

Representing Sleepy Hollow FPD

Thomas Finn |  2013 - Present

Director Finn is a Ross Valley native. He completed his undergraduate schooling at the University of California at Davis and received his Juris Doctorate from the University of San Francisco School of Law. He has served on the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District Board of Directors since 1999. His service on the Ross Valley Paramedic Authority Board began in 2006, and included a term as president of the Board from 2009- 2011. He has served on the Ross Valley Fire Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors since 2013.

Director Finn can be reached at:

Email: tfinn@well.com 

Richard Shortall|  2010 - Present

Director Shortall promoted through the ranks of the San Francisco Fire Department starting as a Firefighter and retiring as Assistant Deputy Chief. He also served as the San Francisco Fire Emergency Medical Services Chief, was Deputy Director of the San Francisco Office of Emergency Services, and General Manager of the Bay Area Super Urban Area Security Initiative Homeland Security program. He is employed now as the full time Executive Coordinator for FIRESafe MARIN, and serves as President of the Board of the Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District, Director of the Ross Valley Fire Department and member of the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority Operations Committee.  He and his wife Diana are 40-year residents of Sleepy Hollow.

 Director Shortall can be reached at:

Email: rich_shortall@att.net 

Representing the Town of Fairfax

Renee Goddard

rgoddard@townoffairfax.org  |  

Bio coming soon! 


Stephanie Hellman 

Bio coming soon!

Director Hellman can be reached at:


Creek Level Monitoring


Fairfax Creek Level Graph

Gauge located behind Fairfax Town Hall.
Flood: Action: 6.7 ft.; Minor: 8.7 ft.; Moderate: 10.7 ft.


Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow Creek Level Graph

Gauge located at 150 Butterfield Rd. 
Flood: Action: 5.3 ft.; Minor: 7.8 ft.; Moderate: 8.8 ft.


San Anselmo

San Anselmo Creek Level Graph

Gauge located at 730 San Anselmo Ave. 
Flood: Action: 11.3 ft.; Minor: 13.3 ft.; Moderate: 16.3 ft.



Corte Madera Creek Level at Ross - Flood level is 16 ft (USGS gauge)

Gauge located behind Ross Town Hall.
Flood: Action: 17.3 ft.; Minor: 19.3 ft.; Moderate: 20.3 ft.

NEW! Interactive Ross Valley Creek Stage Map. Monitor all creek gauges and stages in real-time in one view. 
This data is provided as a community service, and should not be relied upon as a sole source of information regarding current conditions, flood hazard, or risk.  Creek level information is updated when changes are detected.
Creeks and flooded areas are extremely dangerous. Please review our Storm and Flood Preparedness information for safety tips and additional resources.

Ross Valley Fire Stations

Fire Station 18 - Ross
Fire Station 19 - San Anselmo
Fire Station 20 - Sleepy Hollow
Fire Station 21 - Fairfax

Our Mission

To protect the lives, property and environment of Ross, San Anselmo, Sleepy Hollow and Fairfax through education, prevention and community service in a professional and caring manner that is fair, honest, respectful and ethical.

Contact Us

Ross Valley Fire Department
777 San Anselmo Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960 USA
Tel: (415) 258-4686

For Emergencies, Dial 9-1-1